Sunday, July 03, 2005

Good Times Bad Times

The title of the post does not just refer to the first song on Led Zeppelin's first album.

One year ago today, I fell asleep while driving home and hit a guard rail about one hundred yards from my own driveway. About an hour afterward, I picked up a very attractive but seemingly empty-headed girl and had to have her crawl in to her seat through the driver's side door. Very dignified. We had dinner at Red Lobster and then walked along the lake at Celeron, where she told me it was "weird" to hold hands.

The next day, we went to Matt's 4th of July celebration, where she did not interact with any of my friends and did not play frisbee with those of us who were doing so. I had to take her home at 12:30 to meet her curfew. Although I found that, in principle, dating a girl originally from Ukraine had some exotic appeal, it wasn't quite as good as one may have hoped.

Five days later, we had broken up.

I do not mourn the end of that relationship.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you should not be expected to. I read. That ought to keep your attention better. Shouldn't it?