Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Well, I've been posting rarely, since it's difficult to write anything substantial while at work and my only other opportunity to access the internet comes at a blazing 26400 bps via the antiquated phone line that connects my parents' house to the rest of the world. I don't venture to Fredonia that often - in fact I mostly just go to pick up and pay bills. My apartment's climate is stiflingly hot since it is on the second floor. I stole a fan from my parents' basement two days ago and brought it there to help alleviate the jungle atmosphere.

I have not made any concerted effort to find a roommate since Matt's loan reduction forced him to back out of living there in the fall. The walls are bare and now the couch is gone, so it's even more attractive now. I don't think I'm going to bother spending too much to replace furniture or various amenities that Aaron reclaimed when he moved out. It seems to make little sense to move a bunch of stuff up there when I'll be out by the end of December or early January. I don't feel like looking for/auditioning roommates either, since I'm fairly particular about who/what I will tolerate. In other words, I'm an asshole.

With recent increased readership, I've become somewhat more reluctant to post my feelings about current events (in my life - not the world in general). Hopefully that will change as the summer draws to a close. ...and yes, I probably could be more vague if I really tried.

Anyway, I've seen quite a few movies lately and I've been reading quite a bit. I'd like to devote some space to that kind of thing, but this internet connection just tries my patience so much that I doubt I'll get to it very soon.

In the world of politics and global current events, it may seem as if things have slowed down, but of course that's not really true. I'm certainly not as informed now as I was during school, since I've been effectively limited to the 24-hour "news" channels that spend as much time on shark attacks and missing person cases as they do to Supreme Court nominations or scandals involving chief Republican strategists like Karl Rove. Without the high speed connection to monitor Democracy Now or even really the time to read and the NY Times on a regular basis, I feel a hell of a lot dumber, or at least out of the loop.

Life is funny, in a sad kind of way of course. If you've ever doubted that, talk to me sometime. Things are weird.

I know, I know - not too eloquent, right?

You may have noticed - or even emitted a sigh of relief - that I never got around to posting reviews of the Plant shows. I feel bad about that, but a large part of my laziness in that matter was due to my disappointment with other people that attended the shows and sat down for every non-Zeppelin song. At the Toronto show I finally got angry enough to mock people and tell people that they better sit down whenever a track off the new album was played.

Oh - one highlight of that the bathroom before the show started, Thom overheard this exchange...

"What has seven arms and sucks?"

"I don't know - what?"

"Def Leppard."

For anyone who doesn't know, the drummer for DL lost an arm in a car accident.
Yeah, it's mean. But you laughed.

Alright. Well, I'm going to take off now. I'm housesitting for my grandparents this week. No computer there. No cable/satellite either. So I read and watch movies.

This post sucks. Sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

10 minutes! You keep practicing with those books of yours and you'll get the hang of it.