Tuesday, November 15, 2005

John Cusack

I've been a huge Cusack fan since seeing those great 80s movies like Better Off Dead and Say Anything... and of course more recent classics like High Fidelity. Turns out that besides being an excellent actor, he's a pretty informed citizen. This article is something he wrote for the Huffington Post. He talks about Jon Stewart, John McCain, Hunter S. Thompson, and quite a bit about what we shoudln't be putting up with.

Here's an excerpt:

"Yes, there is a difference between the McCain/Hagel Repubs and the neo-con/White House Iraq Group lunatics. But it's also good to remember: no matter what he does from here on out, McCain stood by the president, a man (and his machine) who smeared him viciously on the 2000 campaign trail, and then, at the GOP convention four years later, campaigned for him when we were well on to this disastrous course. And thinking men -- of which McCain is surely one -- knew the neo-cons were exploiting 9/11 for their hideous misadventure in Iraq, and knew this was an administration that would not allow photos of the dead. Etc. etc. etc. Every man who stood by Bush should be forced to answer for it."

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