Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cheney Shoots Friend

...."Armstrong said Cheney is a longtime friend who comes to the ranch to hunt about once a year. She said Whittington is a regular, too, but she thought it was the first time the two men hunted together. “This is something that happens from time to time. You now, I’ve been peppered pretty well myself,” said Armstrong." I just happened to catch this on the news while waiting for my laundry. The best part was when they flashed a file photo of Cheney on the screen and he had a big grin on his face.

I just had the pleasure of watching the DC local news. The lead story was what you might have expected, but the best part was the graphic they showed over the anchor's right shoulder. It simply read, "Cheney Shoots Friend." The file photo was initially just Cheney with a fishing pole, but even as I yelled at the screen for them to find a picture of the guy with a gun, the photo changed to a nice one of Cheney taking aim, all decked out in blaze orange. Nice. Posted by Picasa


Amy said...

You might enjoy this. You might not.

Last night I was working at Restaurant Eve in Old Town and Sam Donaldson and his wife came in. The other couple in their party arrived shortly after the Donaldsons had been seated, so I brought them back to the table. The man walked up behind Donaldson and put his hand on Donaldson's shoulder. Mr. Donaldson jumped a little, pretending to be shocked, and said: "Watch out! You can't sneak up on a man like that - you might get shot in the face!"

Wyatt said...

I saw McCain talking to CNN's Ed Henry in the hall outside the Senate floor, and he was talking about how he occasionally catches The Daily Show. He proceeded to talk about how funny that Monday episode was where the phrase "shot a 78-year-old man in the face" was repeated ad infinitum. It was kind of amusing to watch McCain cracking up about such a thing.

Anyway, it's just a good thing Whittington didn't die. Otherwise the humor value might have decreased a bit.