Friday, June 09, 2006

Dead End Roads

I haven't been doing much blogging since I've been back home. The first few weeks back from DC, I wasn't doing too much at all. Mostly sleeping a lot and thinking about finishing my paper for the Washington Semester class, but not actually doing it. Well, I finally finished that a few days after graduation... I'll let you work that one out for yourself.

Anyway...since then - I've assiduously avoided any and all attempts to force me into getting a real job. I know I'm an idiot for wanting 'one more summer' because I've had three extra summers already by just about anyone's reckoning. However, I'm a lazy bastard and it's unlikely I'm going to change.

About three weeks ago, the money started to run out and I talked to Aaron about working with him up at the lake, and he said he could definitely use the help. So I've been up there fairly regularly since then working outside and avoiding too many thoughts about my future or what I should be doing with my degree besides pitching lakeweed or landscaping.

When I get home, I have very little desire to do anything aside from showering and then sitting down with a book or watching the Yankees game.

So to answer the questions that everyone seems to ask me...

No, I'm not doing much at all. No, I haven't really been looking for a job. Yes, I'll get one eventually, or at least try. No, I don't want to do it right now. I'm content doing a little manual labor during the day and going out with friends for a few beers at night. And no, I don't want to grow up.

These pictures were taken before I was working regularly with Aaron at the lake. Sometimes when I have the time, I like to go up to the end of Ericsson Road in Kennedy and read. It's peaceful and usually very quiet. It's a dead-end road. It loops at the end, and there's an abandoned barn, which you can see below.

Wendy's parents, as well as Brett's Uncle Kent, Aunt Diana, and Grandparents. It is also the same road that the famous Studio is on; if you don't know about the Studio, you're missing out.

Maybe I'll get some pictures of that up in the near future.

I said that the road is usually quiet, but in the short time that I was up there reading my book, two different vehicles came up around the loop to scope me out. One slowed and stopped. A man and woman were inside.

Woman (smiling): It's a nice afternoon.

Me: Yes, indeed it is.

Man (staring at my book, then at me): You're just readin'?

Me: Yes, sir - just reading.

The truck slowly started forward as the window went up.

As far as I know, the road is not private. I was pulled off to the side on a public road, but apparently someone in their car on a dead-end country road is suspicious. Could be a terrorist, you know.

And a self-portrait...

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Wendolene said...

Wow, I stared at that picture of the dead end road for about 15 seconds trying to figure out where it was, and it didn't look familiar at all. It's probably been about 3 years since I was up there. I remember when I was a kid, the forest area was still thin enough that you could see my house from the split there.

Wendolene said...

That's actually a really nice picture of that barn, by the way.