Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Ben and Felicia changed in our hotel room after the reception, and then walked over to the Cherry Lounge.

Again with the red-eye...
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Wendolene said...

Thank you for posting pictures Wyatt, it's always nice to see pictures that I didn't take. :)

Wyatt said...

Sure thing -

I only hold back on the ones that make me look worse than usual (and there were a couple from the wedding that fit that description...)

Wendolene said...

Not ones that I took though, right? I didn't think there were any in there that were unflattering (well, maybe that Vs. one of Brett - again, sorry Brett, but the fisheye does funny things to a face).

Wyatt said...

No, none that you took. A few of yours actually made me look a lot better than usual, which I realize is a difficult task.

How would you feel about me posting some that you took? I held off because I wasn't sure. I won't post any unless I hear differently.