Saturday, June 04, 2005

It's Been Over Two and a Half Years...

so why do I continue to dream about her on a semi-nightly basis and why is she so pervasive in my thoughts?

Last time I actually saw her was last July. Last time I had any communication with her was in December.

What the hell is wrong with me?


Wendolene said...

I think my parents are Vulcans, what with their strange coldness, lack of hugging, and general lack of emotion of any kind.

Anonymous said...

If Spock was half human wouldn't that have taken care of the human/vulcan mating mystery?

Blacksheep said...

Just stumbled across your blog here. I still occassionally dream about a girl who I last saw in Jan 2004, its always the same dream of the last time I saw her and said goodbye. Guess you could say she was the one that got away. She transferred to a college 1,500 miles away. Our minds are strange, I never think about her anymore when I'm awake, but I must have her in my subconcious.

Wyatt said...

I'm thrilled that I could provide a forum for a bunch of my Trekkie friends.

Tegbir Singh said...

Hey man, I thought I saw my old sweetheart Nichole yesterday, yes, yesterday. I was sittin' on a swing and she came out of a public bathroom in Lynchburg, Tennessee (where Jack Daniels is made) and I called out her name and she didn't respond and then I followed her to her truck and I saw that it wasn't her and kept walking like I had some other purpose in mind other than confronting my sweetheart that I haven't even seen in three years or talked to in about four years. As for me, I just need someone else, as I've said for years, but it's hard.