Thursday, May 04, 2006


Let's try this again.

I tried to post an entry about my return to the Empire State back on Monday or Tuesday and the whole thing got lost when Blogger apparently wet its pants, shit the bed, choked, or any other choice metaphor you'd like to use.

Anyway, it was quite an adventure getting back. I left on Friday afternoon with a ten dollar bill and three ones in my back pocket, a checking account balance of $3.28, and a deposit of $100 that had yet to clear. I said my goodbyes, gave the appropriate handshakes/man-hugs to the roommates, a strained/hurried farewell to Jenn, and jumped into my car, which had a half-tank of gas. It was smooth going for about seven miles or so. Then I ran into considerable traffic on 495 and soon after got a phone call from Paul, who pleasantly recommended a stop at a pub for dinner (which in their infinite generosity, Paul and Tia insisted on paying for). It took me roughly 80 minutes to travel the remaining 20 miles to their house. Lovely. After a good meal, and directions from Paul about getting back on the right road, I was on my way again, and the traffic was much reduced.

I had used up all my cash and paid for some more gas with my check card, thinking that I'd probably overdrawn my account (I didn't - it didn't post that transaction till after the deposit had cleared). This led to an interesting scene at the toll on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, where a few cars waited for me as I paid the guy in the booth with three dollars in quarters, numerous nickels and dimes, and three Sacagawea dollar coins to cover the $7 charge. He had a very skeptical look on his face as he waved me through. That left me with roughly 16 dimes and two nickels in the entire vehicle.

I rolled into Chautauqua County with about a half-tank of gas. I called Matt, who agreed to meet me at Aldo's with Ben (who had driven up earlier in the day) and Steve. It was about 2am. I had a vanilla milkshake (Matt bought it) and we got to witness a dispute among the waitresses in full view of the customers (the kitchen is not exactly closed off from sight). Jamestown remained relatively unchanged from the virtual paradise it had been when I left it. A veritable Eden, to be sure.

Anyway, Saturday was a waste of gas and time for much of the day. I went up to Fredonia and contacted only one person of many that I attempted to meet up with. Abe was apparently living it up in Cassadaga and I didn't get to see him. I eventually just came back to Miley's and met up with Oz and an unusually engaging Mary Kate. Later, Turck and Matt showed up and we played some pool before venturing to Mojo's. Nate and I followed Matt back to his house, where we made quick work of a bottle of wine and some cheese before running through some of Matt's good (and some not-so-good...think Notorious BIG) music purchases of the last 12 years or so. The next day, we breakfasted at the crack of 1pm at a quaint little diner in Mayville, talked current events, and overtipped. It was a beautiful day to drive around, although not so beautiful at $3.05/gallon.

That's all for now. It's incredibly exasperating to deal with this internet connection after having broadband for 3 months in Alexandria.

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