Monday, May 08, 2006

What Started it All

Lots of people don't believe me when I tell them what started me on my Led Zeppelin obsession, but it was indeed this travesty that I witnessed in May 1998 on Saturday Night Live. Puff Daddy with Jimmy Page performing a modified Kashmir, retitled "Come With Me" from the Godzilla soundtrack. The funniest part is when Puffy tries to "sing" in the middle of the song.

Combs and Page teamed up again in October 1999 at NetAid to do the song once again, and I'm pretty sure that's the last time it was played live.

A part of me can't help but enjoy it, but I don't like to admit it. Realistically, Page probably only agreed to the collaboration because he thought it would bring more young people into the Zeppelin fold, and in my case, it worked.

"Turn me up, yo!"



Wendolene said...

I remember the song, and it being played over and over in at least one car. Didn't Ben count how many times he said, "Uh-huh, yeah"? I did notice that you kept pointing out how ridiculous it was, but you kept listening to it.

Wyatt said...

I'm pretty sure the count on the studio version is SIX "uh huh - yeah"'s...

It definitely is ridiculous, but the riff is what brings me back.

Junior Morin said...

I dont mind that song. I loveed it when Puff gave Page praise! Plus that drummer they used on SNL can jam!