Monday, May 01, 2006

Stephen Colbert WH Correspondents Dinner (with link to video)

Okay - pretty big news here, if you haven't heard about it. Stephen Colbert was the headliner at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. He spoke from the perspective of his personality on The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, which is a parody of an amalgamation of Bill O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough, and other right-wing talk-show hosts. The big deal is that he did the whole routine while standing less than ten feet from Dubya and Laura Bush. This is what's called ballsy.

The mainstream media is choosing to ignore his remarks and their reception, instead focusing on a segment of the dinner with Bush speaking next to an impersonator. This is the same dinner where a year or two ago, Bush showed a video of himself looking around the White House for the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction, something viewed by many as being in poor taste, given the fact that Iraqi WMD were given as the principal rationale for war, and thus for the sacrifice of over 2500 American lives (to say nothing of the thousands of now 'liberated' Iraqis who happen to be deceased as a result of their liberation).

The video is long - the whole thing probably tops 20 minutes.

I just attempted to post a long entry about my return home from Alexandria/DC, but it was erased in its entirety. I guess I'll have to do that one over again. In the meantime, I would encourage you to view this. Note the discomfort of the audience.

Part One

Part Two

There are several posts up around the internet about this incredible event and the lack of media attention being devoted to it. Here are a few:




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