Monday, April 04, 2005


Kate snuggling up with Matt
Contest: If you can accurately describe the expression on Matt's face in this picture, you'll win a fishing trip with the master himself, date and location to be determined by Mr. King.


Anonymous said...

ha pic.

Wendolene said...

Who the hell would want to win a fishing trip?

Anonymous said...

Well first of all, I think it looks like he's giving a thumbs up (or 'bonus that' if you will).
As for the expression on his face-it's similar to what I would imagine the look on a kid's face to be when he's discovered something that he's not supposed to (porn for example). It appears to be a mixture of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Wyatt said...

I'm afraid that's quite wrong. The expression on his face is a mixture of apprehension and absolute fear, similar to the smile you might use in an effort to placate a vicious Rottweiler before it leaps, jaws open wide, for your genitals.

But hey - that's just how I see it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was way off. I guess there's no fishing trip for me. At least I'll know to back off the next time a guy gives ME that look. Thanks.

nathan said...

I think I agree with wyatt...also the crossing of the leg could indicate that matt is trying to hold himself back from wetting his pants with fear.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Matt's fear is directed at the girl. Everyone who looks at that picture sees a look of discomfort, maybe even pain. The reason is that Matt is uncomfortable having his picture taken in this situation. He has been surprised by the camera and must now craft a fake expression. Somewhere in that look of terror you can see the face of child-like delight. It's actually very simple. He's smiling because that's how he feels. The reason that he threw in a little unhappiness is so that anyone who looks at the picture and disapproves can be quickly directed to the seemingly obvious expression of misery. In reality he just doesn't want to be caught. Look at the position of his right hand. It's down at his side. Just the perfect position for some sort of "accident" where their hands touch and immediately become locked in a loving embrace. Think about it guys. If you were sitting next to some girl in whom you had no interest where would your hands be?