Saturday, April 16, 2005

Dazed, Confused, Disoriented

Wednesday night and Thursday night, I slept for roughly four hours or so. I was working on my Medieval History paper and then my Content Analysis for Media and Politics. The Medieval paper turned out pretty well, I think. It was about 12.25 pages, and I added a nice color picture of a painting of Freddy II. The paper for my Polisci class was pretty shitty, since I was pretty burned out by that time. It only had to be four pages, but I don't think I did a very good job of actually meeting the requirements of the paper. We'll see. Dr. Rankin has been a very lenient grader thus far, but I don't want him to think I'm an idiot.

Anyway, the title of the post refers to the fact that I was pretty tired by the end of classes on Friday. I got home a little before 3:30, listened to some music, checked my email, and flopped onto my bed around 5pm. Well, I just woke up now, and it's a bit after 4am. I had expected at least someone to call - namely Matt - to tell me that we were going downtown. However, no one called and I consequently did not wake up.

I am considering an extra semester - holding off graduating in December to do an internship semester in Washington, DC as part of a political science program. It would involve taking out more loans, of course, and it would make it just about a full seven years without a Bachelor's Degree after high school, but I don't really know what I'm doing when/if I graduate in December anyway, and this may be good for the resume. I don't know how to make the little accent mark over the 'e' so you'll just have to try to read that correctly. I haven't made any decision on this yet - it's just a possibility.

Well, I think I'll take advantage of the fact that I'm up now and do some laundry before I eventually have to get ready for work. Then I'll try to get back to sleep to minimize the degree to which my concept of night and day is screwed up.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you seem to be much more motivated than I am. I'm hoping I will graduate in December and never have to go back to college again. Ironically, if I actually get a job, I'll be spending much of my life in a classroom. Anyway, it's a good thing you got to see MY bright smiling face Thursday afternoon, or else you may not have made it through all those papers. Good luck with the end of the semester.

nathan said...

You should do the washington thing've got nothing to lose.