Friday, March 18, 2005

Hittin' the Board for the Lord

From an article entitled "Jesus on the Half-Pipe" - here are some of the highlights:

"...other members of the King of Kings Skateboard Ministries team are quick to say that they do not skate for adulation or even for the thrill of catching big air. They skate for Jesus."

"Mr. Palau is so convinced of skateboarding's effectiveness in youth ministry that he said he suspected that Jesus himself would be a skater if he walked the earth today. "Yeah, I mean, he was young; I think he'd get on a skateboard and go for it," Mr. Palau said. "I know St. Paul would.""

"...but I get to ride with guys who are stoked on Jesus."

If you're ignorant like me, you watched Saved! and thought the whole skateboarding thing was a joke with little basis in reality. That would be wrong.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. If they can attempt to co-opt rock music, then skateboarding would be another step in the same direction.

I laughed through the whole thing. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Wyatt said...

Sounds kinda dangerous to me.