Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Stolen From Thom's Blog

St. Patrick's Day 2005 with Amanda and Theresa. This picture appears on Thom's blog with the caption "Wyatt's a pimp, a crazy, drunken pimp." The accuracy of this claim is still in dispute. Something that is beyond debate however, is that this is a pretty horrible picture of me. I'm not sure where I'm looking.
I think by this point, I had already had my interaction with Amy, the girl that works at Two Brothers, who was formerly employed by Quality Markets. Perhaps I'm smiling like a mental patient because she had actually talked to me, if only to inform me that she "sort of" had a boyfriend. Amy and I always seem to have intense eye contact whenever we meet, but that could be my imagination. Or it could be that she is just looking back at the scary guy who is staring at her. Anyway, I need to figure out more ways to interact with her after I've been drinking, because things were a lot smoother than when I tried to talk to her at the grocery store. Alcohol - the social lubricant.
Speaking of which, although it's not completely obvious in this picture, Theresa had been thoroughly oiled at this point in the evening, and spent much of her time at Muldoon's weaving in a somewhat circular fashion.
Amanda had admitted earlier that night to occasionally checking my blog after parties for tales of buffoonery by myself or others, but avoiding the political commentary, with which she evidently takes issue. Ah well - I can't enlighten everyone, now can I?


nathan said...

Pimp on Brotha, pimp on...

Anonymous said...

the force is strong with this one...