Thursday, April 20, 2006

At "Hardball Plaza"

Downey took this picture of me in the crowd at the filming of Thursday night's edition of Hardball with Chris Matthews on MSNBC. We got a memo at work telling us that the show would be filming on North Capitol Street NW from 5-6pm. I watch the show fairly often, so I thought it would be fun to see it. It was broadcast live and then aired again (slightly edited, I noticed) from 7-8. Brett recorded it, and my parents apparently taped it for my grandparents. I could be seen standing like an idiot in the back for a large portion of the program. I was questioned very briefly, along with much of the rest of crowd, by David Schuster about our "most important issue." Many people said "the war," although one idiot girl grabbed the mic to tell us that the protection of our second-amendment rights was the most important issue. Schuster inquired if she was a gun owner.

"YES I AM!!" ....she replied.

I said foreign policy in general, which is probably a stupid answer, but it's the one I gave. Later on in the show, we were asked to name a 'hero' in American history. I said Jefferson, although now I wish I would have said Eugene Debs or something more intelligent. Oh well.

My television debut. Yay. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Wyatt said...

I kind of thought it looked like that too, initially. Then I saw in the larger picture (this is cropped) that she's likely looking behind me at some other people.

I thought she was pretty though. I gave her some idiotic line about "my father's going to see me on TV and ask me who that beautiful girl was next to me, so can I get your name?" Lame, I know.

She also kind of reminded me of you-know-who in appearance, but then she ruined it when she opened her mouth. She claimed to be going to school to be a neurosurgeon, but when she spoke, she sounded more like a former cheerleader. Very loud, overly chipper. Her name was Margaret something, and she went to Case Western.