Friday, February 25, 2005

Public Humiliation Update

Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Williams Center Multipurpose Room
Fredonia State
Fredonia, New York 14063

Looks like I will be one of three panelists for the Democrats. The Amnesty International group will be moderating the debate. Republicans, Libertarians, and Greens will also be debating.

The topic will be United States foreign policy. Presumably, I will be somewhat prepared by then. I have two tests tomorrow/today (Friday), I'll be working Saturday and Sunday, and I have to do a half-hour presentation on Monday for my 1960s class about the impact/effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis. That's me talking for 30 minutes straight. Embarrassingly, I've never used PowerPoint or any of those other nifty programs and I don't really plan on learning them now. So I'll probably be attempting to bore my audience into submission with the low monotonic rumbling of my voice.


Wendolene said...

I'm not going to be able to come, since I have to work. Sorry.

Wyatt said...

Might want to check the date on that, Cammie.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else going? By that I mean anyone else that I may know. I have class until 7ish but I might stop by depending on the weather and such. In the event that I can't make it--Good luck!

Wyatt said...

Funny that you should mention video. There actually was a photographer in attendance, although the entire debate was not captured for posterity. About two hours in, I noticed the red light blinking, and soon after that, the camera was put away.