Saturday, May 14, 2005

Warning: Infrequent Updates Ahead

My friend and roommate Aaron, who will be married in two weeks' time, moved his stuff out of our apartment in Fredonia yesterday. Translation: I have no computer, except for the one at Sears that I'm using now and the one at my house that is slower than a glacier. Also - I have no microwave, garbage cans, dishes, things to put under my home theater speakers, et cetera. I was successful in retaining the nice couch and rust-orange chair, as well as the television that cannot reproduce the color red or any variation thereof. Nice.

Anyway, until I get a new computer and desk, I'm somewhat at a loss for blogging opportunities or online time in general. That means I'm likely to fall further behind in the quest for Bonus Points at The Irreverent Marsupial and that I will be less-informed than I typically like to be. A tragedy, to be sure.

I'll be working on preparations for my Best Man toast at the reception and also for the most tame bachelor party you can probably imagine.

School is over, for better or worse. I don't think the results will be quite on par with last semester, but we'll see. I did not expect to do as well as I did last time, so maybe that bodes well. Efforts to contact me should be directed to my parents' home and my Hotmail address.

Upcoming plans aside from the wedding ceremony which I'm sure will be very nice include the Robert Plant shows in Philly and Toronto in June and early July.

Turns out that Matt will be unable to move in for the Fall semester, so I am in search of a roommate once again. All the luck in the world, eh?

1 comment:

Jen said...

It cannot be the most tame bachelor party ever-- a few weeks ago, my boyfriend was invited to one where they were playing board games all night long. He didn't go though. I thought men were supposed to watch strippers and drink beer...