Wednesday, October 12, 2005


If you can't tell, I'm taking advantage of the limited library hours by updating my blog. The library closed at 5pm yesterday for "Fall Break" and is only open 8am-4:30pm through Friday, when it will close for the entire weekend (can you say: incredibly inconvenient ??? - especially in view of the fact that I have two major papers to do).

I finally finished revising my resume (I don't know how to add the little accent mark where it should go, and blogger isn't quite up to MS Word standards as far as auto-correction is concerned), just in time for Dr. Maulucci to come into the library and ask me why I hadn't sent it to him yet... he apparently wants it so he can write a better letter of recommendation for the Washington Semester program. I'm not sure how my working at Sears or my past employment as a waiter or baseball umpire is going to help him explain that I should be working in Senator Clinton's office, but I'm willing to help him out - ha.

I didn't keep up the pace by finishing the entire application, however. There's a question on there about what I expect to do as an intern, and then another about what I think my greatest strengths and weaknesses will be... how the hell should I know? "I can make copies better than anyone else, and even though I don't kiss ass quite as well as other people, I can learn!" Well, maybe I won't put that down.

Why am I doing this? Well, if I haven't explained it before, it's because I don't know what else to do with my life after I get done with my undergrad work (again - a mere six and a half years after high school graduation...), and since I have no idea what I would even be doing in grad school or - better yet - how I would pay for it...this is what I'm doing. I'm hoping to make such a great impression on my employers (who aren't really employers, since they won't be paying me anything) that I'll be able to grab hold of the bottom rung of our nation's bureaucracy and hang on for dear life. Am I worried about being too cynical and disgusted with myself for becoming a part of the rotting foundation of our country? Yep, I certainly am.

But I will reiterate that I don't know what else to do at this point. I'm 24, working two days per week as a consumer electronics salesperson for people that, if I'm honest with myself, I believe are much less intelligent than I am. I'm living on student loans in an apartment - alone - that I can't really afford. I'm older than everyone I go to school with (except for my ex-girlfriend's mother, that is), and people think I'm even older than that (35 was the most recent idiotic assessment from a coworker). I have no wish to move back in with my parents, which would be incredibly embarrassing at this stage. I have to admit that it is likely time for me to get a real job, but of course I want such a job that will allow me to take time off when I need to, for important events like when Robert Plant goes on tour.

It's a pity that I don't quite qualify for one of these positions. Make sure you examine the pull-down menu options - funny stuff.

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