Monday, December 12, 2005

Catching Up

Well, I didn't post a lot for the last few days. There are reasons for this. It's finals week, of course. The last day of classes was Friday. Kristen O, Matt D, Matt K, and Steph L were hangout partners on Friday night. King was not present for Saturday.

The unnamed girl in recent posts was Vanessa. She did indeed skip both Wednesday and Friday, so I never saw her again after my lovely email that attempted to confirm her disinterest in me. I don't have a final in that class, so unless we have some unfortunate meeting on campus in the next four days, complete with furtive glances, I will likely not see her at all for months, if ever again. I'm not sweating it.

I got over it pretty quickly actually. As I've noted before, I think if I have to try really hard to get a girl to want to spend time with me, then it's simply not going to work. First of all, it doesn't communicate a very good sign to me if I have to call and call or write and write with no reply.

Second of all, I'm lazy, and if you're into me, you'll have to let me know about it, preferably directly.

Anyway... I had a debate in my philosophy class last Tuesday. It was a makeup for the first one I had, which went pretty badly. I was initially supposed to write a paper, but when someone dropped the class, I was allowed to step in. I was on the opposition side of an argument regarding the establishment of a world government. Long story shorter...we destroyed them, and I think I did pretty well. The professor seemed to agree, and he gave me a 94. He had some rather humorous things to say in his evaluation. I may share some of that at a later date.

I had a presentation in Globalism the day after, and that was interesting. Although not necessarily on topic, I incorporated the rules to the drinking game Bullshit into my speech. I made an analogy: the American people, diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, prescribed Ritalin, have been drinking all night. Alcoholic beverages do not mix with psychiatric medication, and the Americans aren't doing very well in their game of Bullshit. Their opponent? The US government, presented through the mainstream media. The US knows that it shouldn't drink anymore than it has to, so they're reluctant to call "Bullshit," since this would lead to drinking unnecessarily. The American Administration knows that it can say virtually anything without getting called on it.

So the class seemed to like this, and the instructor was fairly amused.

The same day, I was in the library and saw the first girl that I had my eye on all semester - the one in my philosophy class. In reality, Vanessa merely came to fore after I never saw Jessica outside of class (when I did see her, I was always taken by surprise and had nothing intelligent to say). I had actually written Jessica's name down in my notebook (I looked through this recently) back in mid-September. So that Wednesday night in the library, Jessica came up to me and told me I did a nice job in the debate.

Forty-five minutes later, we had exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet later. We talked for almost three hours at Tim Horton's that night. Many of you will laugh, since it seems that she is semi-strict Catholic with pretty conservative views. Nonetheless, I was/am very attracted to her and she seems to 'get' my sense of humor, which is a relatively rare thing. The obvious downside to all of this is that I'm leaving to go to Prague and DC, and she's graduating (she's 22 and had to take a semester off for medical leave, so she's graduating a semester later than most of her friends) and going back to the Rochester area. So it's fairly unlikely we'll meet again unless we go out of our way to make sure that happens. She had a long-term relationship end roughly a week after Fall Break and maintains that even given more time, she wouldn't be ready for another commitment.

There's more to this, but I'll have to pick it up later. The library's closing. Nothing like a blog cliffhanger, eh? Actually, it's not that exciting, so don't expect a lot when I put up another post.

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