Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Let's take a gander at my sleep history over the past few days, shall we?

On Saturday, I woke up at 11am after about 7 hours of sleep. I stayed up until 6am Sunday pretending to myself that I was about to get something done. I woke up 6 hours later at 12:30 and worked until 4am Monday, when I went to bed for 3.5 hours and woke up at 7:30am. Then I was up until about 9:30am Tuesday working on yet another of those lovely take-home final exams. When I came home from class, I had to wait for the fire inspector to come over and lumber through our apartment with his shoes on...

Let me pause here for a little gripe. If you go to a person's house/apartment/place of residence and see multiple pairs of footwear outside the door, and the person who greets you at the door is not wearing shoes, aren't you kind of clued in as to what the situation is?
I grew up in a house where we always took our shoes off before coming in the house. It just makes sense. If you have a clean house and want it to remain clean, you don't drag everything into the house that you've walked in or through that day, from the sidewalk or the street or the driveway or whatever. It boggles my mind why anyone would want to wear their shoes in their house.

Alright. So back to what I was saying...I had been on the couch waiting for the fire inspector and finally got to actually get in bed after like 26 hours or so at about 10am. I slept (not straight through, because Aaron came into my room so he could place his bonsai tree on my fire escape for the purposes of "winterizing" it) until 7pm. And now it's after midnight and I have another take-home final due at 6pm today (Wednesday). My concept of night and day is absolutely screwed and I'm not sure when I'll be able to rectify it because I have so much to do (which is why I'm taking the time to post this, naturally).

So that's that. I will commence work shortly and see how far I get before I have the overwhelming urge to crawl back in bed where it is so deliciously warm and comfortable. I love sleep. Fill in your own astrological connections (Wyatt=Leo=lion=big cat=love of sleep) if you have them.

Congratulations must be given to Brett for leaving the first, and thus far only, comment on my blog.
Wow - so I was just going to give the link to his site ( and talk about how thanks to Brett, I got into listening to Floyd's The Division Bell as an album to put on when falling asleep...and when I went there, he had just posted about the same damn thing. Freaky, eh?

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